CUATS Routes

System Map

Find where you are located on the city map. Then, find your destination location. Look for the nearest bus route to this location (note the name and color of the route). After you have found your route, then check the timetable schedule for bus arrival times. Arrival times are estimated: traffic, boarding and drop-off of passengers are determining factors in arrival times.



The timetable shows estimated arrival times at different key locations along a route. To estimate what time the bus will arrive at your location, add one minute for each quarter-mile distance to the nearest bus stop. For additional assistance on route time schedules, please call CUATS at 423.478.1396.

Demand Response Service

Demand Response Service is available to citizens who cannot access the fixed route system for:

  1. Medical Conditions Prohibiting Access

  2. Destination is Not Available on the Fixed Route System

Reservations can be made Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM-4:30PM, after hours can be left on voicemail and will be scheduled the next business day. Same day service will be provided upon request based on availability.

Reasonable Trip Modification

SETHRA will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access and participate in all of its programs, services, and activities.

Paratransit Service